Monday, August 17, 2009


love is real
but love can only take us so far before the battle begins
wearing my armor, never letting my guards down
i know sooner than later you will shoot me to the ground
a shot
to the heart
to destroy it and destroy me
knowing i will quickly recover
forgive and forget right?
slowly you remove the metal from my body
making me believe this was all meant to be
but yet
in the distance i begin to see a little light
giving me hope
knowing it will be okay I give that gift to you
spoiling you with my love because you appear to deserve it
each day this little light got brighter and brighter
making me happier and giving me more hope
which i continued to give to you
this little light of mine
i didnt think would shine
just a fling type thing
as the day went by i realized he was my knight i longed for
to take me away from this battle called life
the problems you give me
the world gives me
as i began to get on his horse
he pulled a dagger from behind his back and sliced a piece of skin on my arm
as i watched the blood drip from my arm
i turned my back on him
who to turn to now?
i thought this would be my fairytale
he would carry me away
far far away
you stretched your arms out to me
i began to lift my foot to run
i tried to run back toward you
but destiny tapped my shoulder
my knight
helped me realize mistakes are meant to happen
hell, shit happens
i began to wonder if i want to take the ride of life with him
and leave the enemy there alone
as i wait for him to ask me
he doesnt
he hasnt
will he?
time will tell
is he destiny?
and i wonder..
wandering in his love

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